MA Design Expanded Practice | Goldsmiths UoL
New Cross, London, United Kingdom
January 2020
Master of the Arts Design Expanded Practice
This course is a radical post-disciplinary programme for practitioners who want to push the boundaries of what design can be and do. During this MA I worked with the tutors and classmates to transform my practice as a critical and social undertaking. The programme is structured around thematic areas of investigation (Studios) which situates the practitioner in a particular field of study and reference. My studio of choice was Communications and Experience.
Whatever the students background or previous degree we were expected to examine our own practice on this course. For me this was in a traditional field of design as it relates to graphic design, product design, print production, creative writing etc. Other fields I researched as part of my practice were social science, humanities, curating, transit, cities and business.
Whatever the students background or previous degree we were expected to examine our own practice on this course. For me this was in a traditional field of design as it relates to graphic design, product design, print production, creative writing etc. Other fields I researched as part of my practice were social science, humanities, curating, transit, cities and business.

Goldsmiths UoL Campus

Bad News Haikus Term 02 Interludes Project

Transcript of Results: MA Design, Pass with Merit awarded to Taylor Syring, March 2020

Ticket Collection

Fashion Photography

Fashion Photography 2

Fashion Photography 3

Fashion Photography 3

Charette Zine Center

Charette Zine Cover

Riso Print Pataphysics

Pataphysical Slide Rule 2

Pataphysical Slide Rule 1

Pataphysical Slide Rule Prototype

Pataphysical Exploration 1

Pataphysical Exploration 2

Pataphysical Exploration 3

Pataphysical Exploration 4

Pataphysical Exploration 5

Performing Futures Exploration 1

Performing Futures Exploration 2

Performing Futures Exploration 3

Bad News Haikus Interactive Display

Bad News Haikus Interactive Display 2

Bad News Haikus Interactive Display 3

Bad News Haikus Display

Bad News Haikus Instructions

TFL Materials

A Bad News Haiku

Another Bad News Haiku

Early Haiku Exploration 1

Early Haiku Exploration 2

Early Haiku Exploration 3

Grief Object Museum 1

Grief Object Museum 2
BFA Graphic Design | Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan, United States
May 2018
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design
Secondary Concentration: Industrial Design
The objective of the Graphic Design Program at WSU is to enable students to become innovative, intelligent and responsible designers. Wayne State's program educates students to think broadly about design, to focus on the informational and problem-solving nature of graphic design and to visualise their design ideas.

Wayne State Campus Old Main Building

Degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts with a Major in Design awarded to Taylor Syring, May 2018

Pocket Papers Senior Exhibition Personal Project

Pocket Papers

Pocket Papers Stack

Bentwood Sans Poster

Bentwood Sans Typeface

Bentwood Sans Poster Comparison

Scream Ice Cream Co Packaging

Kindred Artist Analysis Poster

Kindred artist Event Poster

Kindred Artist Event Poster 2

Baby Shower Event Poster

DSO Events poster

Type Hierarchy Posters

Ray Bans Icon

Symmetry Sculpture Exploration

Laser Cut 'Drifting' Dreamscape Sculpture

Laser Cut 'Full Moon' Dreamscape Sculpture
AA Journalism & Emerging Media | Delta College
Michigan, United States
March 2015
This two year degree course, now called Journalism and Integrated Media, prepares students to thrive in the evolving and exciting digital media environment utilising traditional journalistic principles, the latest technology, and authentic media production experiences. I completed this course along with the MACARO certification (general education foundation) in preparation for my transfer to Wayne State University to pursue a BFA in Graphic Design.

Delta College Central Courtyard in the Spring

Delta College Fountain Logo

Degree of Associate in Arts awarded to Taylor Syring, March 2015