Editorial Design
Editorial Design contributor, issue 18* Created layouts, graphics and advertisements. Edited and typeset the written content provided by the magazine and its contributors, sourced images to supplement those provided.
*Pages shuffled to fit layout, content and photo rights remain with the publication.

Under the Night Sky Cont.

Under the Night Sky Cont. II

Look to the Lake

Sauna in the Time of Corona

Sauna in the Time of Corona II

Sauna III | Moving Fwd

Joy of Movement | Headwaters

Headwaters | Half Page Ads
The work displayed here was created for Lake Time Magazine and its advertising partners, all rights remain with the brands. Any offers, pricing, dates, or information are not valid or redeemable and are not affiliated with the designer, other clients, or other work shown on this platform. All photo and written copyrights remain with the affiliated owners, creators, and contributors. This invoice remains unpaid, work was done on a freelance basis with the intent of publication by the content owner in winter 2021.